村上氏と言えば、Shu Uemuraやヴィトンとのコラボでも「見たことある!」という人もいるはず。
Hey! So this saturday, I went to "Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats" at Mori museum in Roppongi. I've been wanting to go but couldn't find enough time. But finally!
So he's from Tokyo University of the Arts (wow). I heard he picked this university because he thought it was easy ... :O The theme of his art is based on anime and manga graphic. This exhibition is supposed to show people about Takashi Murakami now. It was structured from Endo to Baka which was small but impressive.
As you can see in these pictures, his artwork are extremely detailed. I wanted to come close to look every details as much as I could.
The third art is called "Gerotan", which is said to be Murakami's self-portrait. When he was producing this work, he started to play an active role internationally and he was suffering from a lot of pressures. So he decided to depict himself, throwing up.
One of his masterpieces is this, The 500 Arhats, which is 100 meters long. It is composed of 4 worlds, White Tigers, Blue Dragon, Black Tortoise, and Vermilion Bird. In these worlds, there are 500 arhats and sacred beasts and more. It is impossible to explain my feeling when I saw this artwork. I can just keep looking at it if I can.
この五百羅漢図を作ったきっかけはあの3.11の地震だったそう。その時の村上氏の言葉がとても印象的でした。「絶望からの復活には、たとえ作り話でも、希望を唱えるお話が必要だ」。地震が起きて家族や大切な人を失くして希望を見失ってしまった人への村上氏なりのメッセージ。五百羅漢には500種の人の苦しみを癒してくれるという逸話もあるそう。個人的には、「癒し」というよりかはパワーをもらうような感覚でした。ちなみにこの絵の宇宙はMac Bookの最初のデスクトップのやつ。いいの?笑
The reason he created this 500 arhats is because of 3.11. The explanation was really moving. "In order to recover from despair, we needed a narrative that would restore our hope, even if that narrative was a fictional one". After 3.11, people lost hope because their families, or loved ones were gone. Sometime you need a white lie right ? The 500 arhats is a story about healing 500 different varieties of human sufferings. But personally, I felt a lot of strong power from it rather than healing.
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