Monday, January 18, 2016
My University Life
Hey guys :)
I've been writing blog for ... what ... 7 years now ? Of course there were times I was away (sorry!) but some of you have been reading my blog since I've started. I still receive some lovely messages, replies from Twitter, comments on Instagram which is very flattering. And yes. I've been quite on Tumblr so I decided to properly start writing. One of the reasons is that I came to realize I love expressing about myself, what I love or feel to you guys. Twitter and Instagram are not enough lol So in this blog, I am going to talk about my lifestyle, fashion, movies, food or anything I wanna share!
Looking back my university life, all I can remember is study, work, party, and boys haha When I was freshman, my english was not good so it was like holding on something hopeless. But back then, I had friends who were on the same page with me and we cheered ourselves up, which made me kept alive lol Also, I remenber getting sooooo mad at Japanaese students who were so lazy. As I became sophomore, I managed to make my university life little bit easier.
I'm sure every one has image about American university that students can't get enough sleep, so many discussion, so many readings. Yes. It was absolutely like that. I always had two part-time jobs (sometime three lol) One ordinary day was waking up at 5, working from 6:30 am, going to school, working at different workplace, getting home, and doing homework until the sun comes up. I know, I shouldn't have worked that much lol
There were many discussions in classes. Students heat up by discussing something. Even a student and a professor discuss. That is because each student has very strong opinions on each subject. Before I got into American university, I was told to shut up and listen to teacher in the class. For me, I was just sitting, and listening to the discussion they had when I was freshman.
アメリカの本校での生活はちょっぴり日本キャンパスより大変でした。やっぱり日本人がほぼいないというのもあるし、同じアメリカの大学でもやっぱり本場になると雰囲気が違う。学業のことではないけど低いヒール履いただけで「今日パーティーなの?」と聞かれたのは一生忘れない。授業だけだよ(笑)皆スエットにリュック、お団子。ダサかったわーー!(笑)だけど本校の授業はとっても面白くて4年間やっぱりこっち来たかったな〜なんて思いました。アメリカでの生活は月1でニューヨークに行き、週末は皆で飲んで、適当に友達の家に集まったり、当時の彼氏と一緒にいる時間を楽しんだり。と〜〜〜っても楽しかった。皆まじで留学行くべき!怖いとか言ってらんないよ!行っちゃいな!笑 ご両親に行かせて下さいって、どうしても行きたいって伝えてみて。絶対分かってくれるから。さほ子供できたら絶対アメリカ行ってこいって飛ばす(笑)
Main campus was so much fun but at the same time it was little harder than Japan campus. I remember one student asking me "are you going out tonight?" just because I was wearing heels. Really??? lol American life was like drinking with friends, going to NYC, chilling at my friend's house, and spending time with my boyfriend at that time. It was one of the BEST times of my life!!!! If you want to go abroad, GO. Stop worrying and just go. Ask your parents how much you wanna go. You won't regret.
My last year of university was mostly working. I used to go to school with huge hangover, drinking red bull lol My job hunting story is here.
After all, university life was really really hard. But it was good decision, going to American university. I realized there are sooooooo many things I still don't know and need to learn. This world is so big and I haven't seen the half of it yet! And I am super excited to see the rest of the world from now. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me :) I'm happy to answer them!
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